How to Profitable Trading with 1 Minute Candlestick Reading

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Those of you who have been in the Forex world for a long time must have often heard the term Candle. This is a pattern to be understood by a merchant To know the best moves that can be taken as per the movement of the market.

for opening stock Trader, how to read 1 minute Candle There is one important thing that should be mastered so as to minimize the difficulties when faced with this type of stock chart.

Candle itself is a commonly used word business world To describe a type of chart in the form of a candlestick. The graph is an illustration that shows the state of the stock market over a certain period of time.

Initially, Candle In the 17th century it was used to calculate fluctuations in rice prices. However, over time, this candlestick pattern is used to analyze the movements of stocks, commodities, forex, etc.

reading candlestick patterns, investors and traders Maximize the potential profit generated from trading stocks. it causes candlestick pattern Which may show early signs of a reversal or reversal.

Although Candle Used as a benchmark in the analysis of stock market movements, merchants Usually each movement has its own methods of analysis. Therefore it is important to know what are the pros and cons of this single candlestick pattern.

is one of the advantages of Candle It is that they can be easily understood and remembered. unfortunately, Candle Can’t stand alone so you have to use other indicators to be able to observe the movements of the stock.

then how to read 1 minute Candle to increase the potential profit in Business , See the following explanation.

how to read Candle In Business

as mentioned above, candlestick pattern They are charts that are commonly used as indicators to determine stock price movements. Because stock price patterns fluctuate, you need to read Candle every time, especially if you want to get the most out of Business ,

Well there’s a way most interested in traders how is reading Candle in the following Business ,

1. Pay attention to the size and shape candlestick body

candlestick reading pattern, you should focus on the body part of the candlestick. if the body of Candle is large with short tail, it means that the stock price movement is strong. as short as the tail of Candle, More power

2. Look at the shape and size of the candlestick wick

wick ( shadow ) Feather candlestick pattern Shows price movement information that moves by period Candle , The shape of the wick body is affected by volatility so that when volatility occurs, candle wick will be longer than Body ,

wick of Candle Which spreads downward, indicating that market participants have an incentive to drive the stock price lower. This moment is usually used by market participants to buy in order to increase the market price. this condition is called a sharp reversal ,

Meanwhile, the wick that moves upwards indicates that market participants prefer to take Benefit. This condition is known as a recession reversal ,

3. Read the ratio of body and wick Candle

when Candle A body that is between the two axes indicates that the forces between buyers and sellers are in a balanced state. This condition usually holds Business in a suspicious position and makes the tail long and short.

4. Read Status candlestick body

Status of candlestick body Finally shows the resistance. Meanwhile, the situation candlestick axis Which is above and below it or in between it shows the skepticism of the market.

Tips for Learning to Read 1 minute Candle

traders usually trade One one minute time limit . Nevertheless, some people do not consider this method to be a high risk strategy either. Therefore, it is important to know how to read Candle just a minutes.

one of the most widely used trading strategies scaling techniques, which is a technique that is done using a deadline with a goal of 1-15 minutes merchants Can make quick profits.

Following are the tips to learn 1 minute reading Candle that you can practice.

1. Determine the time frame

It is important to do this as an initial step in reading market movements. Since all you need is a minute, it means you don’t have enough time to do anything else. So, devote 1 minute out of your time to read Candle.

2. Read Stock Price Trend

after determining the time frame Or time frame to be used, read the stock price trend based on the patterns studied above. Candle Type charts usually show different patterns and can generally be divided into bullish pattern (increase in market position) and recession Pattern (decreasing market position).

3. Know support-resistance stock prices

help is the lowest limit used to prevent stock prices from falling again, whereas resistance There is a ceiling used to prevent stock prices from continuing to rise. Knowing these two things will make it easier for you to analyze stock prices.

4. Analysis of the movement of stock prices

After doing the above three steps, it is time to analyze the movement of the stock whether you should hold or buy Benefit. reading 1 minute Candle, merchants can ‘purchase’ either ‘Sell’ Scenario according to market conditions to maximize profits.

in general, candlestick pattern are usually followed by short-term improvements. well, this improvement opportunity is usually used by merchants To reduce the occurrence of errors.

Meanwhile, there are some tips that can be used to make the most of Candle In stock trading, namely:

  • Analyze the history of stock movements by reading candlestick signal So you can estimate whether they are likely to succeed or not.
  • use candlestick pattern reading for short term Business.
  • Avoid buying if the share price has increased by more than five per cent.

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